No parts specified.
Before disassembling the Samsung Galaxy S4, thoroughly wash and dry your hands.
Picture 1: Remove the battery cover using the notch at the upper left-hand corner. Remove the battery too and place both into ZONE I.
Picture 2: Remove SIM card and SD card. Place in COMPARTMENT A.
Picture 3: Remove four 4.0 mm Phillips screws. Place in SLOT 1.
Picture 1: Remove five 4.0 mm Phillips screws. Place in SLOT 1.
Picture 2: Use the iSesamo to create enough separation between the mid-frame and the front panel assembly to wedge a Blue Pry Tool between the two.
Picture 3: After you create enough separation, wedge the Blue Pry Tool between mid-frame and front panel. Move the Blue Pry Tool up the right side and around each edge of the phone, popping the clips holding the mid-frame to the front panel along the way.
Place mid-frame into ZONE II.
Replace the mid-frame from ZONE II.
Secure the mid-frame with five 4.0 mm Phillips screws from SLOT 1.
Picture 1: Replace the loudspeaker from Compartment B.
Picture 2: Replace four 4.0 mm Phillips screws from SLOT 1.
Picture 3: Replace SIM card and SD card from COMPARTMENT A.